Sailing safe with ANGELS by your side


Sailing safe with ANGELS by your side

Angels by your side, yes, that is true! Haven’t you noticed that when you are in a affix or in a dilemma, when at times you felt alone and it seemed nothing will work out the way you wanted, you got a silent message? Was it a flash of thought, some noticeable visual, any specific song that was just for you, a helping hand from somewhere appeared before you? Well if any such thing has happened to you ever, you must know that these were your angels who tried to connect with you at that crucial time .
That’s real and amazing that these angels are everywhere around us. These are the Divine entities who are there to guide us in many different ways at different stages of our life.
Well you may think and question that Who are these angels?
Where have they come from? What is their purpose?
How do they look? Do they have a form?
Are they visible? and many such questions …………

So, let me tell you that angels are the guides assigned to each one of us by God himself,who are there with us Always but they do not impose their presence until they are asked to do so. This means that they are present but, they will only execute their actions when we apply our free will. I know it might appear very magical and mystical both. That is true! It is magical indeed and it works!!!
Angels will try to connect with you through their coded language and would give you signs. Whenever you see a subtle silence and serenity around you when you are just with yourself, you are not alone, Your angels are with you, When you are nervous about something and you receive a calming look or a smile from some one, you are being told that don’t worry everything is going to be fine! You may even ask that why the angels are there and why can’t God himself be there

or if you are too logical you may even say, well I don’t need one I am just fine and I can handle everything on my own. Ok! That’s true, of course you can but I would just want you to analyze your role as a Parent who has just dropped her little one to the school then who takes care of your child there ? You? Or the school staff in different ways ?I hope you got an answer to your own question,
Like we all have our specific roles and special soul purpose, these angels also have special roles, we have our own special guardian angels who are just for us and you have to build a connect with him and he will be glad to help you anytime and at anywhere. How do you connect? Well, just close your eyes and with your heart and soul talk to him, and you will surely be answered. The answers would be in form of a message, appearance of a human angel to offer you help or even a miraculous solution to your problems. Well if you are looking for a scientific basis for this then, you may even take this as your own subconscious mind, your power of positivity and intellect that allows you to be wise and nice! To tap into the beautiful realm of Angelic world you have to have Faith, Trust and Belief!! Like we trust God , how can we doubt Angels, who are his messengers? So from now on, keep a note of how and in what form your angel is connecting with you and yes, learn the art of talking to them.
Angel Blessings,


Aum Priyanka
Aum Priyanka




















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